
额……其实这是一部关于SJ(和罗伯斯庇尔等CPS成员)的历史哲学论文,标题来自于SJ在热月九日本该为自己和罗伯斯庇尔辩护时的那一段沉默。去年在学校图书馆查找SJ资料时见过纸质版本,最近发现从出版商官网上能买到pdf电子书,对于法语废来说方便很多。作者是隶属巴黎CNRS和Institut d'histoire de la Révolution française的学者,主要研究巴贝夫,立场较左,也自然对罗伯斯庇尔和圣茹斯特等雅各宾党人持同情态度,其他著作涉及海德格尔、费希特、薇依等。此书以哲学解读恐怖统治到热月前后的一系列历史事件,比较晦涩,当然作者鲜明的立场和激情总是溢于文字(= =),其中涉及对SJ的分析,也引用了很多没有被翻译成英文更别说中文的同时代人物书信、回忆录、演讲稿等,看不懂也可以作资料工具书留一份(bushi

电子书链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1A_BVuu8vsdy453Q5bRVkgQ 提取码: mznv


And what is tyranny?


Judge a man who wants to found a free people?


Our freedom is misery


Of the Provisional Government and the dictatorship


Vergniaud's speech at the king's trial


Confusion of ideas and despotism of freedom


Of the general will and sovereignty


Justice against terror


Civil war


Are these revolutionaries leaders?


Corrupted men — new tyrants?


The two minorities


Saint-Just's speech on the constitution, 24 April 1793


Public destiny


What exactly is virtue?


Of the social pact without virtue


The pathetic moment






顺便求助一下:哪位太太有安德烈马尔罗的Le Triangle noir电子版或者读过这本书的,求分享啊,太好奇了但找不到资源……

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